Link non so fare a maglia (e mi dicono che i calzini sono pure difficilissimi da fare) ma avrei a chi farli....molte sapranno fare a maglia benissimo ma nessuno che li apprezzi... Ma forse qualcuno SA farli e SA a chi farli e può apprezzare!
Calzini tech!
Night link! I have no experience in knitting (and I've been told socks are terribly difficult too) but I know someone who would love them...many of you are probably great at knitting but know no one who would like them...but I hope someone knows HOW to knit and knows SOMEONE who appreciates them and can use a link socks!
[mood| impressed]
Calzini tech!
Night link! I have no experience in knitting (and I've been told socks are terribly difficult too) but I know someone who would love them...many of you are probably great at knitting but know no one who would like them...but I hope someone knows HOW to knit and knows SOMEONE who appreciates them and can use a link socks!
[mood| impressed]
At 24 febbraio, 2006 08:03, Anonimo said…
quando ho visto i calzino ho detto "ommioddio"....
Cmq non oslo non viene apprezzato il lavoro a maglia ma tutte le altre arti manuali vengono denigrate ;)
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