Oggi non c'è un programma che funzioni: mi si sconnette in continuazione il modem (e non si riconnette in automatico, non credete), ho disperso foto ovunque tra HD e Dvd di backup, mi crashano programmi misti, ed è pure misteriosamente sparita l'icona per connettersi ad internet dalla scrivania (no, non l'ho buttata per sbaglio, non è nel cestino che cmq svuoto raramente). Basta, vado in sciopero anche io e spengo tutto! Buona giornata, e spero che almeno il vostro computer non sia posseduto oggi...
PS: ieri fatta e finita la borsa per Isabella, appena recupero le foto le metto, è venuta molto carina a parer mio
Today there's nothing working on my computer: I keep loosing my connection (and it just doesn't connect automatically afterward, obviously), I lost photos somewhere between my HD and various Dvds, strange softwares keep crashing, and the desktop icon for the internet connection has misteriously disappeared (no, isn't in the trash, and anyhow I rarely empty it!).
I'm fed up, I'll switch off everything and go on strike too! Have a nice day, I hope only my computer is possessed today...
PS: yesterday I managed to begin and finish the small frog bag for Isabella, it turned out cute, I'll post the photos as soon as I have them
PS: ieri fatta e finita la borsa per Isabella, appena recupero le foto le metto, è venuta molto carina a parer mio
Today there's nothing working on my computer: I keep loosing my connection (and it just doesn't connect automatically afterward, obviously), I lost photos somewhere between my HD and various Dvds, strange softwares keep crashing, and the desktop icon for the internet connection has misteriously disappeared (no, isn't in the trash, and anyhow I rarely empty it!).
I'm fed up, I'll switch off everything and go on strike too! Have a nice day, I hope only my computer is possessed today...
PS: yesterday I managed to begin and finish the small frog bag for Isabella, it turned out cute, I'll post the photos as soon as I have them
At 14 gennaio, 2006 07:48,
Anonimo said…
Eh.. cara gaya in certe occasioni i rimedi utilizazbili per il pc sono 2: L'acqua santa meglio se di lourdes, o direttaemnte un esorcista!
Laura GDS
At 13 luglio, 2006 15:34,
Anonimo said…
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on!
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